by admin | Jun 30, 2020 | Lightning Update
Earlier this month, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam announced the release of ConserveVirginia 2.0, an interactive map system for viewing Virginia land conservation priorities. (Image: Virginia DCR) Conservationists have always relied on maps. And that is never more...
by admin | Jun 23, 2020 | Lightning Update
It’s not too late to listen in to “We Need to Talk,” a conversation the National Park Service hosted last week on the intersection of race, history, and the outdoors. View the 90 minute conversation on YouTube. On Juneteenth, the National Park...
by admin | Jun 16, 2020 | Lightning Update
Two weeks ago, in “Questions to Ask Ourselves,” Lightning Update explored how the land conservation community should — must — act to respond to the gross inequities experienced by Black Americans and other communities of color. The conversation...
by admin | Jun 9, 2020 | Lightning Update
How have inflection points influenced one land conservation organization over time? What does that suggest for where we all stand now? (All photos: ESLC) In recent weeks, many have been mulling the idea of “inflection points” and whether and how we might be in the...
by admin | Jun 1, 2020 | Lightning Update
Christian Cooper’s experience while birding in Central Park has been described as one of the dominoes in the past week of tragedy and protests in the United States. (Photos: Brittainy Newman/The New York Times) As conservationists in America, we have to...