Lightning Updates
Looking Back to Look Forward – 220 Million Trees Planted
Between 1934 and 1942, the federal government planted 220 million trees in "shelterbelts" in the Great Plains to address the environmental crisis of the Dust Bowl. (Photos: Kansas Historical Society; USDA Forests Service, Wikimedia Commons; The Oklahoman; ) It's...
Crowd-funding Land Conservation?
BC Parks Foundation raised $3 million via crowd-funding to protect 2,000 acres in British Columbia. (Photo: BC Parks Foundation) Is crowd-funding a viable strategy for raising funds to protect land? Canadians seem to make the case that it can be. The BC Parks...
Marking Milestones – A Major New Report
Historic Malvern Hill Farm is one of many recent land conservation success stories highlighted in the Chesapeake Conservation Partnership's major new report released today -- Marking Milestones: Progress in Conserving Land in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. (Photo:...
Changes to Mid-Atlantic Forests as Climate Warms
More than forty scientists and forest managers collaborated to assess the vulnerability of mid-Atlantic region forests to impacts from a changing climate.(Photo: Nicholas Tonelli at Susquehannock State Forest)The majority of the Chesapeake watershed is forested. And...
Three more Chesapeake Land Trusts Accredited
The Land Trust Accreditation Commission, an independent program of the Land Trust Alliance, certifies land trusts that meet high national standards following a rigorous review process. The Land Trust Accreditation Commission recently announced the latest round of...
A City Sets Out a Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights
Baltimore Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young (center in blue blazer) surrounded by Baltimore City students after signing the Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights at Middle Branch Park. (Photo: Delaney McPherson, National Wildlife Federation)About 24 percent -- or over 4...
New 4,500 Acre Conservation Easement in Albemarle Co.
The James C. Justice Companies, owned by West Virginia Governor Jim Justice, recently donated a conservation easement on 4,500 acres in Albemarle County, Virginia. (Image: Emily Hayes/Charlottesville Tomorrow) Not far from Monticello, home of Thomas Jefferson, the...
New Tools for Communicating Conservation Messages
A new Narrative Toolkit provides a series of tools for uniting and bolstering communications about land conservation in the communities and regions of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. (Image: Spitfire Strategies) Achieving conservation goals requires continued support...
Duck Stamps Help Protect 2,614 Acres at Blackwater
Geese fly over Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge where Duck Stamps will help fund protection of over 2,600 acres. (Photo: Steve Droter/Chesapeake Bay Program)There are many opportunities available for each of us as to help conserve fish and wildlife and the habitats...
Delaware Farmland Preservation Hits New High
Delaware recently announced the largest ever round of farms preserved through the state's Agricultural Lands Preservation Program. The image above illustrates how multiple adjacent farms have been preserved over time. (All images: Delaware Department of Agriculture)...